
Horn Toot'n

Got some recent posts up on:
World Famous Design Junkies
Scene 360
Rook Rush
El Poder de las Ideas

And, Primary Flight '09 coverage thus far on:
Primary Flight
Full Body Transplant
Vandalog vid

I'm also happy to have been brought into the No New Enemies family. Some talented folks there for sure.

Thanks Adriana, Harlan, RJ, Logan, Chris & Matt.

Vandolog vid

While in Miami last week for Primary Flight and Art Basel, I had the pleasure of meeting RJ who created, writes and films for Really good stuff. Here's a short video they did featuring the wall I painted alongside Galo, The London Police and Jim Darling amongst several other artists killing it over the weekend.

Art Basel / Primary Flight 09

Another year of Art Basel, Miami down. This is just a small spec of what was down there as I was focused on painting and spending time with friends I don't see often enough like Jim and Tina Darling here.

First stop was Primary Flight's "Blueprint for Space" show where I found Jim hiding Tina under his beard. They built this massive new wood, macramé and boar's head sculpture which apparently has a pigskin (football) sealed inside along with stickers from friends like me. Glad to be a part of it's guts!

Jim eating a pulled pork sandwich in front of the boar. Blasphemy.



Max Kauffman from Denver

Ron English

Kenton Parker

Augor detail

Jim, Tina, Penny, Katie and friends

The gallery had large-scale pieces lining the exterior windows as well. Here's Logan Hicks' piece. Digging the new selected finishing and detailing approach.

The after party down the way had Shepard Fairy, Peanut Butter Wolf and Dr Dre all spinning records, although I don't think Dre showed up. Who knows, I was hanging out with the free drinks in the back all night getting caught up with some fine folks like Adam 5100 here.

Next day we went to the Wynwood district to look for a spot to paint. Here's the patriotic Adam 5100 wrapping up his mural.

Cabin detail of 16 stencil layers.

One of Adam's pieces in Gallery I.D.

Adam & Brett Amory

Thundercut at AdHoc and Eastern District's BKMIA show.

Kalene controlling UFO's robotic sculpture

Lance Armstrong and Nike's "Stages" exhibit. Too amazing of a space to remember to take photos. After, legendary NYC bar Max Fish set up a Miami location for Basel. Good tunes, bad fire hazard.

Next day we found chickens running around in Primary Flight's storage area. Probably hiding from one of the packs of feral dogs we saw running around.

After sharing some beers and stories with Chaz of The London Police and Galo, Jim and I hopped on their massive wall instead of our own.

Martha Cooper also came by this day and made us jump all over the place. Hope to see those sometime soon.

Shots from Fountain Art Fair which features primarily Brooklyn and NYC artists.


The first of many nights we'd spend at The Deuce bar. I guess it was originally decorated to be a hang out spot for the Miami Vice show. I'll believe that.

Tara McPherson, Chaz, Sneagle, Galo

Galo & Sasha

We got to chill with Keith Richards for a bit

Just kidding. Made us look cool though eh?

Guess which guy tried to sell us on being Evil Knievel's son? Supposedly he had to jump 47 tractors the next day to beat his brother's record. Unlikely since this was taken around 5:30 am and he was about a 12 pack deep. What's with these fake celebrity folk?

The next morning we had a manatee outside our hotel room. Oh the huge manatee!


The unproductive day

The evening started off at Wooster Collective's Meet-Up at Churchill's for food and suds, then on to the American Legion for the "Multiversal" show.

There was belly dancing

My favorite part of the show wasn't part of the exhibit. There was this beautiful wall of old-timey photographs of A.L. members.

Julianne (middle) and friends at Essex. Julianne just opened up a new gallery in SF called Heist. Check out their opening show which will remain up through the end of 2009.

Pete & Gaetane

Wrapping up in and out of more rains

Surge and Jeremiah


Barry McGee


Detail of Logan Hicks' P.F. piece of his son Sailor


I pretty much had to run through Aqua, Scope and other fairs attempting to see as much as I could in a few hours before it all came down. Here's a nice Fosik piece.

Jeff Soto

Mark Jenkins

Kris Kuksi detail

Detail claws from Dave Kinsey's piece at Joshua Liner Gallery

Matt Ice Cream Man, Dabs & Myla, Logan & Kristen

Gregory Euclid at David B. Smith Gallery

Doze Green

Ekundayo at Thinkspace Gallery

Damon Soule

Allison Sommers

Dabs + Myla + Greg "Craola" Simkins

Joe "Heaps" Nelson and Dave Tree who I showed earlier this year with in Beacon, NY.

Peat Wollaeger

Dab's & Myla

Tatiana Suarez

Back with Tina Kalene and friend to the pig.

And of course on to The Deuce.

Jim and Elisa Carmichael

Sara, Lori, green shirt, upside down coat hanger, and Tara

Some of these photos (the good ones), like this amazing one of Jim Darling, were taken by Jeremiah Garcia. He has much more in-depth coverage of all things Basel posted to his Flickr account here.